Grout Sealer
If you want your new tile grout to stay looking new for longer you should consider applying Grout Sealer before dirt starts to take hold and ruins the look of your grout.
A long lasting penetrating silicone sealer that protects grout against stains and water absorption, this penetratingsilicone sealer seals grout lines beneath the surface anddoes not change the colour or appearance of the grout.
Penetrating grout sealer is water-based, applies in minuteswith the special sponge applicator and will give your groutlong-lasting protection, up to five years in fact at whichpoint it will gradually detiorate unless you give it a top upcoat.
This grout sealer is also ideal for prolonging the lifeexpectancy of our Tile Grout Coating and is applied afterthe Coating dries fully.
Ideal after application of Grout Coating (whitener) to extend its life by a factor of three.
One bottle treats grout in average bathroom.
Grout Sealer