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  • <p> Farm outbuildings, haybarns etc develop two main problems... rust and peeling paint, both very unsightly.</p> <p> <strong>Important Safety Notice</strong>: Working on roofs can be dangerous - make sure you follow all safety procedures. Be extra vigilent where clear perspex roof sheeting is present.</p> <p> You will be pleased to discover that&nbsp;both of those annoying problems can be dealt with in a very cost efficient manner.&nbsp;</p> <p> Here's How:</p> <p> First, using a power washer, remove all blistered and peeling paint and any <u>loose</u> rust flakes. No need to scrape off or wire brush tight rust because our system uses that as part of a treated&nbsp;protective layer.</p> <p> <strong>Best&nbsp;Value Option</strong>: Minimum work, minimum outlay and you get a job that will outlast all your previous&nbsp;hayshed paint jobs.&nbsp;<br /> Using a small roller or brush / even a clean sweeping brush, apply a coat of Owatrol Oil to all rusted patches taking care to ensure adequate applied to fastener heads, overlapping rusted sheets etc.&nbsp;(In the event that there are holes in the sheeting, before you paint, you can patch those quickly and easily with our Gaco Roof Tape (2" x 50 ft roll).</p> <p> Allow the Owatrol to dry for at least 24 hours. If time or weather does not allow you back in 24 hours, don't worry. Any time up to a wek or two will be ok to finish the job because the Owatrol will have sealed up and dealt with the rusted patches.</p> <p> To finish and get a result that will outlast all others by at least three times, do the following.</p> <p> Choose a good quality oil based oxide paint (any colour of your choice).<br /> Add 20% Owatrol Oil to the oxide paint, i.e. 4 parts oxide to 1 part Owatrol and apply. This will guarantee no more peeling oxide paint and the gloss will remain for years without dulling as happens with other options.</p> <p> <strong>Better Option</strong>: More costly and a bit more&nbsp;work (no surprises there!)<br /> Powerwash as per above:<br /> Apply a coat of Owatrol over the entire roof using method described above. (Entire coverage of roof will ensure no misses)<br /> After 24 hours (see above) apply a coat of oil based oxide paint which has 20% Owatrol Oil added to the oxide paint. i.e. 4 parts Oxide to 1 part Owatrol oil.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p> The bottom line here is... when you use the Owatrol / Oxide system per above, your sheds will look superb, will last for years with no rust and will not go dull from the sun for years and years.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>NOTE</strong>: If you would like a silvery finish, perhaps on certain areas like girders, use Owatrol Aluminium RA85. Will not peel or flake and lasts for years.</p> <p> <strong>NOTE</strong>: If you have a workshop for your own machinery repairs etc, check out TRANSYL below. You will NOT find a more potent/ useful oil anywhere, guaranteed. If you are not thrilled with this - we give you your money back.</p> Hayshed painting revolution, Owatrol stops rust and peeling paint

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