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    Insulating Additive for All Paints

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    Insulating Paint Additive,Cuts Heat Loss, Stops Mould

    Thermilate Insulating Paint Additive Reduces Heat Loss in Your Home or Property through INTERNAL, EXTERNAL WALLS  CEILINGS

    Having been featured on several TV programmes such as BBC'S TOMORROW'S WORLD, Changing Room, THERMILATE, the revolutionary, durable paint additive that makes paint insulate is now available to home owners, maintenance  painting contractors.

    This very practical product can be added to virtually any kind of paint… from interior emulsion, exterior masonry paint, gloss paint on steel, you name it. In all cases, it will reduce heat loss out through the substrate.

    AND… it also works the other way around, if you wanted to keep heat inside pipes, hot water tank etc, the Thermilate additive reduces heat loss when 2 or 3 coats of treated paint are applied to the pipe etc.The two images on the right aboveshows Thermilate used in oil based paint on inside of a steel barge to stop / reduce condensation on the steel walls.

    Steel Roof Condensation

    Another handy application we have been told about which gets excellent results was where condensation occurs on underside of a steel roof, also known as steel roof condensation such as commonly found on corrugated steel, sheds / workshops, steel containers  so on. In this scenario, the handiest option is add the Thermilate to any appropriate paint and apply a coat or better still two coats.

    Idea is to apply 2 or 3 coats of any oil based paint with one bottle of Thermilate per 5 Litres of paint.


    Saves on heating bills because less heat / energy will be required for the same results.

    Reduces or eliminates mould on 'cold walls' etc

    Helps reduce condensation / damp wall problems

    Customer Comments Below:


    Thermilate Insulating Paint Additive can be used in conjunction with our Warmcoat Advanced… Use the Warmcoat for the first two coats and add the Thermilate Additive to the final COLOUR coat.

    Available in 1 litre bottle – enough for 5 litres of any paint.

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    Thermilate was extremely easy to use, the instructions were very clear, I simply poured it into the paint and stirred. It seemed to have cured the problem, and it actually had a fantastic added benefit for me. I decided to measure the temperature difference in the room, and to my amazement, I found that previously the average temperature in the room was 15c and now it is actually 18c, this was throughout the winter season.
    At the moment I'm just finding time to redecorate, so I can use it in the other rooms in the house too, and make the most of the heat savings. Thermilate helped save 3 degrees;  it truly is a fantastic product."

    By Mr Watson-Thomas Kent, Thermilate Additive

    "I foster 6 children together with my mum. We've always had a problem with damp caused by condensation, in the hallway...... I'd tried allsorts of products to prevent the condensation coming back. I'd used a paint designed specially for preventing condensation, tried tinfoil before wallpapering, and all sorts of other products. It was important for me to get rid of the condensation because of the children. I then used Thermilate. I used 2 coats in the hallway, nearly a year ago and the condensation has not come back. I then used it in my kitchen where I had a similar problem, I used 2 coats, again it has not come back. I can't believe it, fantastic product, fantastic idea. I absolutely love the product."

    By Mrs Phillips Home Owner Swansea, Thermilate Additive

    "Over the last three years we have been renovating an old house in Mid-West France. Our intention initially, was to use Thermilate in two of the old bedrooms as they felt "cold". Well we are now totally "hooked" and intend to use it in all of the rooms in the house. I was a little concerned about the texture of the product when it was first applied but the top coat of emulsion soon smoothes it out. I had the mis-fortune of having to put the top coat of emulsion over the Thermilate in a small walk-in wardrobe whilst my husband was painting the main room. The heat reflecting properties soon made me think I was in a sauna! The more rooms we use Thermilate in, the warmer our house becomes, and it is good value when you consider the cost of heating. This is a product that does what the packet says... an excellent product."

    By Mrs Sue Titley Home owner France, Thermilate Additive

    We purchased your thermilate paint additive because we have a spare bedroom that our granddaughter uses at weekends and even with central heating we have always found the room to be cold as it has two 'outside' walls.  We used your product on the two walls when we decorated and then papered over one of the  walls.  We have found that the wall that was papered over is warm to the touch but the wall we just painted is not as successful.  I have mentioned to my husband that if we have enough paper we are going to do the wall again.  We think your product is very good.  Our house was built in 1918 and we have now found a couple of damp patches downstairs in the dining room and we will be treating these areas this winter when we decorate. Yours sincerely

    By Mrs J Bottomley Home Owner, Thermilate Additive

    Yes I bought the powder additive which I mixed with either dulux paint or crown pain which was to make the bedroom warmer and also to help us with cols pots in corners of the walls which was getting mould which have helped 80%, Its been used to paint our daughters bedroom as in her room it has thin wallpaper so we added this to it to bring the room up to temperature which worked fine. Regards

    By J BOLDY Home Owner, Thermilate Additive

    "I applied Thermilate in my bedroom. Previously the room always had a chill, but now that I have applied this revolutionary product, I'm stunned to find that it is now a lot warmer. I'm very pleased that it has done the job. I found the instructions and applying Thermilate very easy and I will be using Thermilate again."

    By Mrs Butterworth Home Owner Northumberland, Thermilate Additive

    "I used Thermilate in my loft which we use as a study. When my wife first bought the product, I was quite dubious as to whether it would actually work????...... Was it just another one of those products, which just sounds wonderful, but doesn't do what it says????  So I decided to use it in just the one room, to see if it would really work..... I really was astonished...previously the thermostat was on 19-20c now with the help of Thermilate we have reduced it to 17c. A 2-3c saving. Previously we had to make sure the door was always closed, otherwise the chill from the room would freeze the whole house, and now we can actually leave the door open!!  I really am surprised the product has worked, and helped save heating costs. I will be painting the other rooms in the house, so I can make the most of the energy savings.”

    By Thomas C, Thermilate Additive

    I bought some Thermilate from you quite a while ago and I would like to report on the results I had after using the product. I live in an old stone cottage in the Pennines, the sort with thick walls and mullion windows. The mullions consist of a slab of gritstone with a depth of about six inches. Because the stone mullion is both external and internal the inner surface is always cool. As a result, mainly in the bedrooms, condensation appears on the inner surface each morning and encourages the growth of moulds. I had been having problems with this for years with frequent redecoration needed. In spring 2002 I painted the inside of the mullions again, but this time I added Thermilate to the emulsion. The result is that after over one year of use, I have not touched the mullions and the growth of mould is almost negligible. It is definitely a success. My friend lives in Cork and had purchased a house that had some mould on part of the internal walls. Investigation showed that the problem was not caused by rising damp, but was due to the construction of the walls. It appears that many houses there are built with a single leaf of a large concrete blocks. External walls that have poor air circulation, such as behind cupboards, are prone to condensation and mould growth. Last year I gave my friend a packet of Thermilate and he painted it on the affected walls. To date he has had no recurrence of mould growth. Sorry it has taken so long to get this to you, but I wanted to be absolutely sure whether or not the stuff worked before I was prepared to comment on it. Many thanks for your help.

    By Alan Shepard Home Owner Yorkshire, Thermilate Additive

    I received the package of Thermilate, which was used on my kitchen ceiling. The kitchen is 15ft x12ft x 9 ft high and previously had polystyrene tiles. Your product seems to do what it says, by reflecting the heat back into the kitchen. I have been monitoring the temperature and I would say that Thermilate has been a good solution to the removal of the polystyrene tiles. Thank you once more

    By Mrs. P Bullock Home Owner, Thermilate Additive

    I purchased the paint additive. I used it in an area where there was always condensation and a little dampness. Needless to say the condensation and dampness has gone. The room appears warmer.  One thing I would say, that the additive makes the paint a little grainy, perhaps a way around this is needed.  Best Regards 

    By Shaffiq Mahmood Home Owner, Thermilate Additive
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