Shop by problem » Rust, Corrosion, Plant, Machinery

1. First step is remove all the loose rust blisters and rust flakes, peeling paint etc. The quickest way to do this is with a power washer, hot preferably to remove grease also.
You can use sand blast but you are into more expense and with our system, sandblasting is not necessary. All you need to do is remove all loose rust scale and peeling paint down as far as the 'good steel'. Any 'tight rust' can be left there.
2. Apply a coat of Owatrol oil liberally by any means, brush, roll or spray. Owatrol will penetrate and find its own way into the deepest, hidden recesses and pores driving out any moisture and oxygen (rust food) present, and will take their place forming a clear, flexible membrane which prevents the return of the 'rust food. Note: Wipe off any excess Owatrol that may 'pond' on horizontal surfaces, this is to prevent skinning and will enable the Owatrol dry / cure properly right through.
3. You have a few choices here depending on the outcome / finish you require. Here are the two most common options...
(a) Lowest cost - any oil based paint. (b) High cost - two pack finishes / tougher but costly.
(a) Lets deal with (a) first. The cheapest and fastest method is apply one coat of any colour / make oil based gloss paint with 20% Owatrol oil added in. This will give you a decent job that can be done fast by roll, brush or spray.
If you want to do a better (a) job, apply a coat of any oil based metal primer with about 25% Owatrol added and top coat with any oil based paint (gloss etc) with about 10% Owatrol Oil added for a great finish. The primer adds a second layer of protection which will extend the life of the paint job even further.
(b) If you want to paint the machines with tougher but more expensive two pack paint follow these steps.
Follow No 2 above.
When dry, apply a coat of Owatrol C.I.P. a high quality penetrating primer which in this instance acts as a base coat (barrier coat) for the two pack paint to follow. This prevents any reaction between the Owatrol Oil and the two pack paint.
When dry, finish with the two pack.
TIP: Wheels, Chassis, Engine Blocks etc.
If you want a really classy job without breaking the bank, after step 2 above, apply a coat or two of Owatrol Aluminium.
NOTE: Machines etc will always have tight couplings, bolts, clamps etc... The best solution to free out any tight or seized components is TRANSYL - a sister of the Owatrol Oil. I guarantee you will find no better product for this purpose.